Whether your kids are just starting to learn about our Catholic faith as a Kindergartner, preparing to celebrate the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion or Confirmation, or continuing to grow in knowledge and love of the Lord through ongoing faith formation classes, the parish Religious Ed program is here to help! The Parish Religious Ed classes primarily help to fill the gap in Catholic religious education that is encountered by families whose children attend public, charter, or private, non-Catholic schools.


2023-2024 classes will be held on Wednesdays from September 11th, 2024 through May 7th, 2025.

4:00p-5:15p — Kinder—6th Grade
6:30p—7:45p — 6th Grade and Up (Confirmation Prep)

Registration will open on Tuesday, May 28th!

The Religious Education Program offers the following Catechetical/Faith Formation classes:

  • Ongoing religious education for students in all grade levels beginning in Kinder
  • Sacramental Preparation for Baptism of children ages 7 to 16
  • Sacramental Preparation for Reconciliation and Eucharist (Starting as early as 1st Grade)
  • Sacramental Preparation for the Conferral of Confirmation (Starting as early as 7th Grade)

To learn more, visit www.COTLFReligiousEd.org or contact the Parish Office:
Jorge Santibáñez, DRE – JSantibanez@cotlf.org or 305-446-9950, Ext 307